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This drawer contains the terminal emulator/COP 5 terminal "DASB" for the
Atari 800 and 800XL series (8 Bit Atari's). The program itself is in german,
if someone needs an english translation, let me know. (See my EMAIL in the
COP.readme file).
Atari 800XL or 800
Diskdrive (DOS 2.0S or better, however DOS 3 is not welcome :-)
850 or 850XL interface box.
A null modem cable. TxD/RxD crossed, GND connected is enough. Consult your
interface's manual about the pin layout.
-Format a disk and write the "dos.sys" file on it.
-Copy the file "Autorun.sys" file from this archive to the disk. You are
totally up to your own how to do this, there is no standard way.... The
"Terminal" program in this directory and a simple basic prog at the
Atari side might suffer. Don't forget to turn off any character translation
from ASCII to ATASCII if transfering binaries!
-Reboot the Atari from this disk. After booting, the startup pic of DASB
("Der Amiga System Debugger" meaning "The Amiga System Debugger") is
showing up. If everything went fine, you should just get a copyright
message, and if COP is started in serial mode, the usual COP startup ASCII
If not, you get a german error message saying
"IO Error ... ! Bitte testen Sie das Interface und die Zuleitungs, laden Sie
eventuell den RS-232 Treiber neu ein !
Bitte eine Taste drücken!"
asking you to check all cables or to reboot if necessary, or to press any
key for a retry.
You might also get a error message on startup if the driver of the interface
box could not be loaded for some reason. It often helps in this case to turn
the interface box off and on again, and to reboot the computer.
For those of you who like to write their own interface software, or want to
build an own interface:
I can't help you with the hardware, but mininum is some circuit to convert the
±12V of the Amiga to the TTL levels of the Atari serial port. A MC 1488 and
MC 1489 should do this job.
However, you then need some software driver for your interface that should
be compatible to the standard RS232 commands. To create a working copy of
DASB, link your driver with the files "Term.com" and "Term.dat" in this
archive, and use the init vector $02E2/$02E3 to run your drivers startup
The following section describes the commands that DASB sends to a driver, i.e.
commands you'll have to emulate:
Name of the driver: "R:" (add under this name to HATABS)
CIO commands needed:
OPEN 3 (AUX1 will be 13 to indicate READ & WRITE)
XIO 34 AUX1=240 AUX2=0 to start concurrent mode
with DTR and RTS set to ACTIVE.
XIO 38 AUX1=32 AUX2=0 to disable any translation
from ASCII to ATASCII and to disable
any parity.
XIO 40 AUX1=255 AUX2=0 and ICBAL/ICBAH pointing
to a io-buffer of size stored in ICBLL/ICBLH.
This should set the IO buffer size.
BLOCK_READ 7 To read a block of bytes from the input
BLOCK_WRITE 11 To write a block of bytes to the output
STATUS 13 Read the IO status of the driver. It should
put the number of characters in the input
buffer to locations 747/748 (Lo/Hi).
The standard code to load the driver software from the interface box to the
computer memory is contained in the file "Handlers.sys", also in this archive.
You don't need to provide this boot mechanism, just put the handler in an
own file and merge this file with "Term.dat" and "Term.com".